Cannabidiol, is it right for me? Philip Blair, MD, US Army

Cannabidiol, is it right for me? Philip Blair, MD, US Army

 Philip Blair, MD, US Army-retired, graduated from West Point in 1972, attended the University of Miami School of Medicine, and trained as an army family physician.
What is cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD? It comes from the hemp/cannabis plant which comes in two varieties but first let us start with Dr. Diana Gall (MD)

Dr Diana Gall (MD), GP at Doctor4U tells us the difference between cannabidiol and THC

Although both cannabidiol and THC come from the same plant, there are differences. Their chemical structure is the same with 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, however, the atoms are arranged differently and they affect the body differently. THC produces a high whereas cannabidiol does not. The psychoactive effects of THC are different for each person but generally, it will produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation, amusement, or anxiety. Both cannabidiol and THC have benefits, however, cannabidiol can provide the same benefits without the high which is more desirable when it is being used for medicinal purposes.

Dr. Phillip Blair Continues
What is cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD? It comes from the hemp/cannabis plant which comes in two varieties.
Dr. Philip explains how marijuana contains the THC, which causes a high, whereas hemp contains CBD, which has the health benefits and no THC

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp. One specific form of CBD is approved as a drug in the U.S. for seizure. Over 80 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, have been found in the Cannabis sativa plant. (Ref webmd)

Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, along with tetrahydrocannabinol, and accounts for up to 40% of the plant's extract.

There are several different cultivars of hemp: Sativa being the most common variety that contains the highest levels of CBD. There are other cultivars that contain different combinations of other important substances (including terpenes, flavonoids, and phytols) that affect how CBD works. This combination of substances is hailed as the entourage by Dr. Mechoulam.

Dr. Philip explains why the extraction process is important when it comes to the concentration of substances and the quality we need to make sure that we're are getting organic hemp seed from the U.S. using cold extraction technology allowing them to pull all of the ‘entourage’ substances without containing any of the harmful ones.

Another factor people should be looking at is the certificate of analysis conducted by a third party that examines exactly what is in the product. Questions to consider are: How much CBD does it contain? Does it contain any THC? What are other cannabinoids present? No toxins, solvents, heavy metals, pesticides or biological contaminants such as bacteria should be present.

CBD is a small fat molecule not unlike other oils we consume, such as the medium chain triglycerides or coconut oil. Dr. Philip explains, CBD is processed by the fat metabolizing mechanism in our body, using a system we don’t know a whole lot about, but it is important to the body’s overall function.

Ketone bodies seem to be good for our brain, CBD also seems to be following the same pathways.

The body has its own system for managing CBD-like molecules which were discovered all the way back in 1992.  This system controls many others in our bodies such as our appetite, emotions and neurotransmitter regulation, but there are many, many others. Despite numerous research articles, there is still a lack of awareness by physicians and the general public about the key role the end-cannabinoid system (ECS) plays in our lives.

The body produces its own CBD molecules. When breastfeeding babies get a dose of it from the breast milk. Chocolate and some other foods also contain some of this molecule.

CBD receptors are in our gut, brain and multiple other systems in the body. But less than 5% of medical students in the US are being taught about this.

As it turns out, we can have an endocannabinoid deficiency. In fact, this deficiency is linked to numerous diseases. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, different types of cancers and Croon’s disease are all examples of disorders that have disturbances in the ECS.

Is there any risk of toxicity with CBD? Dr. Philip explains that there is no toxicity and side effects are rare, occurring only at high doses. At high doses, well over 200 mg, there is the potential that CBD could interact with other medication but this has not occurred at normal doses with a high-quality product.

In terms of common interactions, the only medications that have been identified as having been altered by the use of CBD are those used for epilepsy, schizophrenia, and Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Philip explains that positive interactions can also occur and that CBD can often successfully replace the need for antidepressant drugs.

How do supplements work with CBD? Dr. Philip recommends taking Omega 3 oil (Extra Virgin Salmon oil) with CBD supplements, as the two work synergistically. Two other very important supplements to consider are, vitamin D and Iodine.

Recent news has seen a mother have the CBD she needed for her epileptic son, confiscated at the airport. We know both ketones and CBD have benefits for the brain. Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, autism, and diabetes all respond to high-fat low-carb diets and CBD works on some of the same pathways.

It is a good idea to take CBD for prevention and maintenance; it down-regulates the inflammatory immune response that is prevalent in so many diseases, including atherosclerosis.

In addition to reducing inflammation, CBD helps with pain by regulating neurotransmitters which are involved in the pain pathways. Dr. Philip explains how CBD does not always have a stimulating effect but can also act to depress certain areas.

How pain regulation CBD has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Unfortunately, studies looking at sciatica and the nerve pathways have not yet been done in humans.

Pharmaceutical products are often isolated:  in this case, they contain CBD only without the full spectrum of beneficial compounds that create the necessary balance. (Thus spend a little more and get organic full spectrum CBD from U.S. sources.)

CBD helps regulate the homeostasis in the body, in every system right down to the cellular level where it protects the normal cell from damage.

Benefits of CBD for cancer treatment: it promotes the death of cancer cells enhancing the chemotherapy while protecting the normal tissues against the side effects. CBD is an adaptogen instituting the right kind of response to a particular situation to maintain balance and health in the body.

Dr. Phillip said An oncologist is not currently using CBD with cancer therapy. Double-Blind controlled studies are normally very costly, he tries to empower patients to educate themselves and explains that CBD oil is a food substance without adverse effects.

You can also listen to the full interview with Dr. Nasha Winters explain the metabolic causes of cancer.

Dr. Philip Blair Continues

Anxiety can be controlled and regulated by CBD in 95% of the time with immediate results. Because there is no toxic dose individuals can adjust their dose to suit their own particular needs.

For Seizure Patients

The dosage guidelines are at around 1 mg per kg for a therapeutic dose, but this goes higher on rare occasions. For everybody else, Dr. Philip recommends they start with a standard serving on the bottle and double the dose until they can feel changes. Sharpening of the vision, clarity of thought as well as changes in performance often occur.

The benefits to sleep are often a more restful sleep and more REM. Paradoxically, CBD can also have a stimulating effect.

Dr. Philip explains how CBD can help people with PTSD and put them in remission. He has seen great improvements with his own work with veterans in this area.

Taking exogenous ketones and CBD; MCT oil can enhance absorption through the gut. Both the ketones and CBD will be working on the nuclear receptors making epigenetic changes, enhancing the metabolism and reducing inflammation.

There are potential benefits when taking CBD while fasting as its effects are enhanced, its mechanisms seem to improve and lower doses are needed. Exogenous ketones can then add to that further, making it even more effective.

When are the best times to take CBD?
Philip recommendation,
  • Taking it with a fat, saturated is most likely best, and avoiding taking it with large meals.

But, in terms of the best time of day, people should figure out what works best for them and their particular situation and lifestyle. Because it is a food product it can be taken as often as needed.

Is there a percentage we should aim for, for general health? Because all products are different we should look at the number of mg of CBD. Another consideration is that the bioavailability of each product can differ.

Taking it sublingually, Soft-gel is more convenience for traveling but also CBD oil underneath the tongue is the best way to get immediate effects. It can also be vaporized with 95% delivery efficiency or taken in capsule form, which can take an hour for the effects to kick in. Another way it can be used is topical, by rubbing it onto an affected area for pain relief.

Rather than taking high doses of the highly concentrated product, Dr. Philip recommends using Organic Full Spectrum CBD oil / Soft-gel product for better results. In addition, we can use complements to the ECS, like the Omega 3 (Extra virgin Salmon oil) For maximum improvements, it is important to consider their overall lifestyle habits including diet, meditation, sleep quality and exercise.

How does CBD help someone with diabetes?

It improves the signaling within the body and reduces inflammation, protecting different cell types from damage due to elevated glucose and reducing complications. 

At lookingvibrant we don't develop CBD products but we've examined top organic certified CBD products made in the U.S. and our number #1 pick is, Gundry CBD products.

To wrap up, we discuss the challenges of testing on humans and the barriers within the administration.

Dr. Philip concludes by pointing out that CBD could result in significant financial savings and provide relief to the burden of the opioid epidemic, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia by getting people healthy and back to work.

Magnifying the benefits of CBD with Ketogenic diet by Dr. Philip Blair, MD.

Cheers To Your Health😊


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