Your Personal Health Coach

Ask Dr. Khurram Pervez


Dr. Khurram Personal Health Coach

Dr. Khurram Pervez received his BEMS (Bachelor of Eastern Medicine and Surgery) degree from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan in 2014. He completed his MD and residency training in Internal Medicine at the Jalal State University, Kyrgyz Republic in 2018. He is board certified Registered Medical Practitioner in Pakistan.

As a physician and researcher aspired to beobjective, comprehensive, and experiential, Dr. Khurram started his career searching for detailed understanding regarding Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, and Laws of Nature. Through learned skepticism and intense curiosity, Dr. Khurram joined the LOOKING VIBRANT to promote a variety of natural care healing systems. He started his journey to understand different holistic forms of care that transformed Dr. Khurram into a researcher in areas, such as Natural Medicine, Acupuncture, Active Meditation, Unani Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, and Manipulative Arts.

Motivated by his personal transition, Dr. Khurram is joined the LOOKING
VIBRANT to reinvent himself professionally by focusing on sustainable solutions
to global health requirements, with natural forms of care. For the last 8 years, Dr.
Khurram has worked to design a system to eliminate the root cause of different
chronic conditions rather than their symptoms. “Symptomatic treatments should
be replaced with the real cure based on the root cause, according to Dr. Khurram”.

Dr. Khurram’s cumulative experiences enabled him to join the LOOKING
VIBRANT, an organization that offers multifactorial health solutions through its
variety of natural products that accelerate the transition from sick care to healthful

Dr. Khurram’s practical contributions mainly focus on predictive tests and natural
formulas designed to improve the accuracy of both diagnosis and of management
outcomes. The major areas of his expertise are:

  • Healthy and sustainable weight loss
  • Weight loss in women above 45 age
  • Cardiovascular health based on the natural changes in blood clotting
  • Aging related changes and their natural solutions
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Hematologic health
  • Natural detox plans
  • Natural activation and control of collagen
  • Immune health and allergies
  • Nutritional and Metabolic support

Feel free to contact in case of any guidance or health queries