Cataracts Predict Infection and Early Death...
Dr. Trempe, my mentor at Harvard, showed me that cataracts are actually a sign of a progressive cardiovascular problem, in many people.
Eye health goes hand-in-hand with general health but there are few key nutrients that are important for your eyes where it can help protect/maintain eye function, against harmful light, and reduce the development of age-related degenerative diseases.
Blue Light from Your Phone May Be Permanently Damaging Your Eyes😳
Smart phones, laptops, and other handheld devices all transmit light. However, the blue light in particular may be toxic for your eyes.
Scientists at the University of Toledo may have discovered how blue light emitted from your technology can lead to macular degeneration — one of the leading causes of vision loss in the United States.
“It’s no secret that blue light harms our vision by damaging the eye’s retina” said Ajith Karunarathne, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Toledo’s department of chemistry and biochemistry in a released statement.
Macular degeneration is the result of photoreceptor cell death in the retina😳
The function of the photoreceptor cells is to capture visual images and signal them to the brain using a molecule called retinal.
Retinal, which is produced by the eye, is triggered by blue light and causes various chemical reactions. These reactions within the eye can be poisonous to the photoreceptor cell molecules rendering them damaged. When these photoreceptor cells die, there’s no regeneration😞
What did the study find?
Karunarathne and his team also introduced retinal to other cells in the body including heart cells, cancer cells, and neurons. When these retinal-infused cells were exposed to blue light they also died.
No change was seen when either blue light or retinal were used alone.
The team also exposed various cells throughout the body to green, yellow, and red light — and interestingly, no results were seen.
“The retinal-generated toxicity by blue light is universal. It can kill any cell type,” said Karunarathne.
Part of this phenomenon may be because blue light has a shorter wavelength in comparison to other colors, and as a result, has more energy. The extra energy can be the reason for this chemical change causing retinal-generated toxicity.
“Blue light appears to damage retinal cells. It is still unclear how much blue light and for how long it’s necessary to damage these sight-seeing cells. We do know the damage is irreversible,” said Dr. Mark Fromer, ophthalmologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
The number of people living with macular degeneration is expected to reach 196 million worldwide by 2020 and increase to 288 million by 2040.
Age is a prominent risk factor for age-related macular degeneration. The risk of getting advanced age-related macular degeneration increases from 2% for those ages 50-59, to nearly 30% for those over the age of 75.
Macular degeneration is expensive, and will only become more expensive as the population aged 65 and older increases.
Estimates of the global cost of visual impairment due to age-related macular degeneration is $343 billion, including $255 billion in direct health care costs.
Estimates of the direct health care costs of visual impairment due to age-related macular degeneration in the US, Canada, and Cuba (WHO subregion AMR-A), collectively, is approximately US$98 billion.
The global cost of vision loss due to all causes is estimated to be nearly $3 trillion dollars for the 733 million people living with low vision and blindness worldwide. In North America alone, the direct cost for vision loss due to all causes was $512.8 billion, and the indirect costs were $179 billion.
If you're on the computer screen, phone or TV more than 3 hours a day or over the age 40, you need to invest in premium supplements especially when our man made western diet lacks many key nutrients...
1- Vitamin A
One of the most common causes of blindness in the world (1Trusted Source ).This vitamin is essential for maintaining your eyes’ light-sensing cells, also known as photoreceptors.If you don’t consume enough vitamin A, you may experience night blindness, dry eyes, or even more serious conditions, depending on the severity of your deficiency.
2 and 3
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow carotenoid antioxidants known as macular pigments.
They are concentrated in the macula, the central part of your retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive cells on the back wall of your eyeball.
Lutein and zeaxanthin function as a natural sunblock. They’re thought to play a central role in protecting your eyes against harmful blue light.
Controlled studies show that intake of lutein and zeaxanthin is proportional to their levels in your retina.
One observational study in middle-aged and older adults noted that consuming 6 mg of lutein and/or zeaxanthin per day significantly reduced the risk of AMD.
The researchers also discovered that those with the highest intake of lutein and zeaxanthin had a 43% lower risk of macular degeneration, compared to those with the lowest intake.
4-Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are important for eye health.
DHA is found in high amounts in your retina, where it may help maintain eye function. It’s also important for brain and eye development during infancy. Thus, DHA deficiency can impair vision, especially in children.
Evidence also shows that taking omega-3 supplements may benefit those with dry eye disease.
One study in people with dry eyes revealed that taking EPA and DHA supplements daily for three months significantly reduced dry eye symptoms by increasing the formation of tear fluid.
Omega-3 fatty acids may also help prevent other eye diseases. A study in middle-aged and older adults with diabetes found that taking at least 500 mg of long-chain omega-3s daily may reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy.
5- Liposomal Vitamin C
Your eyes require high amounts of antioxidants — more so than many other organs.
The antioxidant vitamin C appears to be especially important, although controlled studies on its role in eye health are lacking.
The concentration of vitamin C is higher in the aqueous humor of the eye than in any other body fluid. The aqueous humor is the liquid that fills the outermost part of your eye.
Observational studies show that people with cataracts tend to have a low antioxidant status. They also indicate that people who take vitamin C supplements are less likely to get cataracts
Getting enough of the nutrients listed above may help reduce your risk. Other vitamins may also play a role in eye health.
However, don’t neglect the rest of your body. A diet that keeps your whole body health.will likely keep your eyes healthy, too.
Avoid the sun by wearing sunglasses (I don't recommend this - your eyes benefit from the full sun - just avoid looking directly at the sun. Your pupils change to filter light. The healing power of the sun won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1903).
Get exercise - good advice
Get enough healthy nutrients - good advice (I recommend lots of Cod liver oil / Salmon oil).
Embrace turmeric (This is just another nutrient I believe is getting too much credit. Stick with recommendation 4 and eat "nutrient-dense" foods whatever your eating style.
Quit smoking - good advice
Avoid aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) - good advice (Few scientific studies to indicate that aspartame really is a cause of cataracts)
If you're using Statin drugs - (Statins inhibit the circulation of healthy fats) depletes Vitamins like vitamin A, EPA, DHA and other fats that fight infection and health the membranes of neurological tissues found in the eye and brain.
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