Omega-3 health benefits starts from inception. William S. Harris, Ph.D.

Omega-3 health benefits starts from inception. William S. Harris, Ph.D.

Are you shortening your lifespan by 5 years because you're not investing in premium wild fish oil?


Why our fish oil is superior?

Introducing 100% extra virgin wild anchovy (first cold pressed) with nitrogen purge extraction. (Imported from Italy)

Not Distilled Or CO2 Extracted*

Super Value = 2 Month Supply (60-Servings)*

Anchovy 1200MG per daily dose (720mg Omega3 - 432mg EPA- 288mg DHA)

  • Undeodorized

You'll be shocked by the health benefits that you're missing if you're not utilizing premium fish oil!!

Here's Dr. Rhonda Patrick, briefly elaborates on the latest research regarding how Omega3 protected people eating wild fish with mercury and how smokers were protected from smoking by having higher Omega3's.

Omega3 health benefits start from inception and expand beyond Longevity, Heart, and Brain health that are briefly explained by renowned researcher & scientist William S. Harris, Ph.D. who's a Professor at Stanford School of Medicine.

William S. Harris, Ph.D: "People with the highest DHA Levels were 50% less likely to die from CV19". 

Dr. Russell Blaylock (Neurosurgeon),“If you’re deficient in Omega3 your brain will start to change its structure very quickly / within 2 weeks, the brain can’t function 100% if one of its vital components is missing and it only takes two weeks of Omega3 deficiency to produce one of the first negative brain signals of this behavior".

Dr. William briefly explains: "People with higher intake of Omega3's had a lower overall mortality".

Ref, ncbi: Among supplements, fish oils, which are derived mainly from anchovies, are considered the best and generally safest source of omega-3. Taking into account (i) the anti-autoimmunity and anti-cancer properties of the omega-3 PUFA, (ii) the increasing incidence of both autoimmune thyroiditis and thyroid cancer worldwide, (iii) the predisposing role for thyroid cancer exerted by autoimmune thyroiditis, and (iv) the risk for developing metabolic and cardiovascular disorders conferred by both elevated/trendwise elevated serum TSH levels and thyroid autoimmunity, then there is enough rationale for the omega-3 PUFA as measures to contrast the appearance and/or duration of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well as to correct the slightly elevated serum TSH levels of subclinical hypothyroidism. 

Scientist and researcher Dr. William Li Says: "By taking extra Omega3 (two or more a week) you can increase your longevity by extending your life by 4.7 years".

William S. Harris, Ph.D. briefly explains how high omega3 kept spike proteins closed.

Dr. Daniel Amen explains in 45 seconds: Why it is so essential to add Omega3 supplement with your Multivitamins daily for your brain health.

Dr. Blackburn's research (is a Nobel prize winner) Says: "Consuming Omega3 + Vitamin D3 shown to Support Telomeres Lengthening". 

Fish oil for Kids: "64 percent improvement in overall comprehension" 

The University of Gothenburg Research examined 154 children who were either given the Fish oil supplement Equazen or a placebo pill. Study data revealed that the children who received Omega3 supplements exhibited a 64 percent improvement in overall comprehension compared with those who were given a placebo. A placebo-controlled study also found that taking even smaller doses of Fish oil supplements during pregnancy results in better visual acuity in babies

A Study Reported by Advances in Nutrition (Danielle Swanson Robert Block Shaker A. Mousa.) Shows that higher Omega3 fish oil intake is tied to having significantly smarter infants, but these effects are canceled out when high mercury levels are observed!

Many other studies link OMEGA-3 to better school performance in children.

Other studies have demonstrated that fish oil supplements help to improve the overall school performance in children. An analysis of more than 3,000 grade 11 pupils showed that those who took omega-3 and omega-6 capsules had average scores that were 17.7 points higher than those who did not take fish oil supplements.


According to Dr. Russell Blaylock: If you’re deficient in these fatty acids your brain will start to change its structure very quickly. The brain can’t function 100% if one of its vital components is missing and it only takes two weeks of Omega3 deficiency to produce one of the first negative brain signals/signs of this behavior!" 

Another study shows that higher Omega3 intake is tied to having significantly smarter infants, but these effects are canceled out when high hair mercury levels are observed.   

  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that children and women with high DHA levels in their blood cells average scores in an intelligence test. The findings suggest that long-term Omega-3 fatty acid intake is more effective in boosting cognitive performance.

  • Alzheimer's

In a Harvard Medical School study, researchers found that those who ate the most omega-3 fatty acids had lower levels of the protein beta-amyloid, which is a marker for Alzheimer's disease.

  • Eye Health

Experts recommend that men get 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day, while women should get 1.1 grams. One serving of anchovies has 0.45 grams of the omega-3 known as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 0.77 grams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies suggest that diets rich in these omega-3s can reduce your chances of developing macular degeneration, which can distort vision.

  • Thyroid Protection

One serving of anchovies contains 31 micrograms (mcg) of selenium. Teens and adults should aim to get 55 mcg of selenium per day. A study from the 1990s highlighted selenium as part of an enzyme that can activate the thyroid. Additional research suggests that selenium deficiency may lead to thyroid problems.

Why choose wild Anchovies fish oil?

Anchovies have many vitamins and minerals that provide major health benefits. They are the highest source of omega-3 fatty acids in the world which promote brain and heart health. Anchovies also have selenium, which, if eaten regularly, may reduce the risk of some types of cancer like breast and prostate cancer. (Book ref, Dead Doctors Don't Lie)

Pelagic fish live in the pelagic zone of ocean or lake waters—being neither close to the bottom nor near the shore—in contrast with demersal fish that do live on or near the bottom and reef fish that are associated with coral reefs.



Product link

  • 100% extra virgin wild anchovy (first cold pressed) with nitrogen purge extraction (imported from Italy)*
  • Not Distilled Or CO2 Extracted*
  • Super Value = 2-Month Supply (60-Servings)*
  • Anchovy 1200MG per daily dose (720mg Omega3 - 432mg EPA- 288mg DHA)*
  • 100% Wild sea-harvested pelagic (Imported from Italy)*
  • Undeodorized*
  • NON-GMO*
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