We are all on drugs. Neil deGrasse

We are all on drugs. Neil deGrasse

We are all on drugs

Fact of the Day: 15 prescriptions per year are issued for every man, woman and child in the United States 😖

In a recent podcast interview, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson

Gave his reason for not trying psychedelics: "I have always valued objective reality. I don't want anything interfering with my understanding of what is actually happening in front of me."

This statement shows a blind spot that is relevant for everyone: We are all on drugs that are highly interfering with our brain’s ability to process objective reality. We should not be outsourcing our analysis of what is a “good” or “bad” drug - or our definition of what constitutes a drug in the first place. 

Is a drug an addictive substance that causes damage to society? 

· Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, porn, social media: these produce dopamine triggers in the brain and dependency that are almost indistinguishable from drugs like cocaine and heroin - and can lead to bad societal outcomes. These substances are neurodegenerative and unquestionably “interfering with our brains” - unlike psychedelics which nearly all available science points to being brain regenerative.

Is a drug something that reverses or prevents disease? 

· By this measure, statins and antidepressants (the two most prescribed drugs in America) should not count. We spend $1 trillion worldwide on statins a year, and they have been shown to increase life expectancy 5 days. 25% of adult Americans take an antidepressant medication, but the FDA’s own studies show that SSRI’s are no more effective than a placebo and the underlying science backing the medication has been called into question

Tyson Continues 

Is a drug a substance that has a physiological impact on our body? 

· If this is true, then the environmental toxins (in our home, air and water), pesticides in our food, and lack of sleep should be considered some of the most destructive drugs in society. These factors are wrecking our microbiome - the trillions of bacteria cells in our gut that regulate 95% of our serotonin (and thus mood). 

The institutions that are defining what is a “good” or “bad” drug - or what a drug even is - are not worthy of our trust. And these institutions have continually, repeatedly been wrong: 

· Adderall, a drug 10% of high school seniors take, was created by Germans during World War II to make Nazi soldiers more effective (it was discontinued for spurring mass psychosis among the troops).  

· We were told that prescription opioids were not addictive, but 80% of fentanyl/heroin addicts today became addicted from a legal prescription. 

· Heroin was created by Bayer (the aspirin people) and was a top-selling drug for American babies (to cure fussiness) in the late 1800s. 

· Also in the late 1800s, the U.S. Surgeon General recommended cocaine to cure depression. 

· Psychedelics - long stigmatized - have been shown to produce longer remissions of depression (with lower side effects) than any other treatment studied. 

Gary Brecka: "Your death can be determined by your nutritional status."

Mortality expert, life bio-hacker and biologist was working for life insurance industry to predict their life insurance members death to the month based on their medical reports and nutritional status, did you know this?

Gary Brecka helped Dana White (CEO OF UFC) triple his lifespan from10 years to a 27 years after helping him change his diet and nutrition within 15 months. (Briefly explains)

Neil deGrasse Tyson Continues


CDC: In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Every year, about 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack. Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack.
The more I have dug into this, the more I am convinced we think about drugs completely backwards: 

· We have convinced younger Americans that rampant fatigue, obesity, anxiety, depression and infertility is a normal part of daily life that can be cured with drugs - instead of warning signs of larger cellular dysfunction that can only be cured by root cause solutions. 

· 95% of medical spending goes to drugs and interventions after people get sick but nutritional/lifestyle interventions (which can actually prevent and reverse disease) are put into a niche lifestyle buckets. 

· Psychiatry has been completely taken over by pharmaceutical treatments that numb patients, instead of tools to help get to the root cause of trauma and increase our sense of awe for the world. 

· We spent 40 times more on pharmaceutical cures to cancer versus ways to prevent cancer - even though cancer is a preventable disease. 

· Alcohol was considered so destructive to American society that we passed a Constitutional amendment banning it. But now leading scientific figures like deGrasse Tyson don't even consider it a brain-altering drug. 

Our brains and bodies are what perceives reality, and they are under threat like never before. Understanding and optimizing the “drugs” (substances or ideas that produce a physiological change) that enter our bodies is the highest-leverage thing we can do. 


Clearly, there are concerning trends for what is happening to the brains and bodies of ourselves and our children. And in this way, getting "healthcare" right is the most important economic, political, and spiritual challenge we face. And the answers clearly aren't coming from the top-down…

Mortality expert and life bio-hacker Gary Brecka briefly concludes how nutritional decencies are the main cause of our health problems, increase diseases, mental health and early death.

Dr Russel Jaffe "Why do we ignore our health / and at what cost? Because many assume it will happen to someone else". 😢

Dr. Michael Greger: "Most deaths in the United States are preventable and relates to nutrition". (Dr. Greger briefly elaborate)
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