Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is the form of a vitamin manufactured within the human body from sunlight. It is the most active and bioavailable form of the nutrient, which translates to better absorption within the body.
The alternative form of the vitamin is known as D2 or Ergocalciferol.
The reality is that Vitamin D2 offers few if any benefits to humans. D3 is something of a super vitamin/hormone, but D2 is little more than a synthetic product. It was created for the sole purpose of being sold, whereas organic D3 is a completely natural and bioavailable substance that is easily broken down for the use by the body.

Dr. Russel Jaffe' Does your vitamin D formula stretches between two cells and can touch the end of the two cells on the molecular level? (Not if you're using Synthetic vitamin D including your MD Physician's prescription vitamin D!) Dr. Russell Continues,
The Dilemma; Not all vitamin D supplements are created equal!The University of Colorado: "Vitamin D, It Makes Great Rat Poison"Book ref: Over-the-Counter Natural Cures; One of the most Toxic Vitamins is Synthetic Vitamin D (It Makes Great Rat Poison!) 99% of supplement companies use it (including your MD physician) that are produced by drug giants, Hoffmann-La Roche, and BASF. The University of Colorado reminded the scientific community of this danger when they published: “…baits containing large quantities of vitamin D are used very effectively as rodenticides (rat poison).” Said another way…SUPPLEMENT HUCKSTERS ARE PUTTING RAT POISON (AKA SYNTHETIC VITAMIN D) IN YOUR MULTI VITAMINS simply because it's cheap to make! Dr. Rhonda Patrick: "Data from Indonesia showed 98%+ of patients who have died from CV19 were vitamin D deficient". One minute video with Dr. Rhonda Patrick regarding the danger of Vitamin D3 deficiency.
Dr. Kate Rheaume-Blue: I urge everyone to use this truly amazing quality organic raw vitamin D3 with K2 that contains double the K2 ratio (MK7 full spectrum most active form) required to help insure direct calcium deposits into the bones and out of the arteries. At looking vibrant use all natural / organic vitamin D3 + K2 (MK7 Full-spectrum) 1- ORGANIC RAW VITAMIN D3 + K2 (Liquid drops. 90 Servings of 5000iu daily) Vitamin D3 Product Link: The devastating consequences of vitamin D deficiency ☠️Vitamin D3 and Respiratory InfectionIn 2006, the New Zealand Asthma and Allergy Cohort Study established a relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and susceptibility to respiratory infection. A follow-up study by researchers from Massachusetts GeneralHospital confirmed the results of the original study and went beyond the original in specifically identifying asthma as a respiratory ailment the prevalence of which in children was far higher in those suffering from Vitamin D deficiency than those with healthy levels of the nutrient. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and Dr. Gottlieb’s book, Real Cause, Real Cure According to the book, Real Cause, Real Cure:
Vitamin D3 and FibromyalgiaResearch dating back over the past few years appears to have identified a relationship between fibromyalgia and chronic pain and low levels of Vitamin D. Most notably, a study by the Mayo Clinic published in March of 2009 showed a direct relationship between Vitamin D deficient individuals and the relative amount of narcotic pain medication taken by those individuals. This was the second study to be released by the Mayo Clinic, following-up on an earlier study published in November of 2008 that arrived at a similar conclusion. One final study worthy of note is a 2009 study that appeared in the Journal of Pakistan Medical Association which showed that Vitamin D insufficiency is frequently seen in patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia and nonspecific musculoskeletal pain. Source Vitamin D and CancerThere has been substantial scientific progress in recent years regarding the role of Vitamin D in the prevention of cancer. The research includes no less than 275 epidemiological studies, approximately 2500 laboratory studies, and a confirmatory randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial (Lappe et al.). Most of these studies support a preventive role of vitamin D with cancer. These studies have been published in such medical journals as the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Lancet, Cancer Research, the International Journal of Epidemiology, and numerous other peer-reviewed biomedical journals.
Vitamin D and Prostate CancerProstate cancer is one of the leading killers of men.A recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health and colleagues, led by Dr. Edward Giovannucci has found that vitamin D can prolong life and even help fight cancer. The study has shown that men with the expression of vitamin D receptors at high levels tend to have less severe prostate cancer. The nutrient has been shown to decrease proliferation and boost apoptosis. The study showed that patients who had high levels of vitamin D in their tumor tissue had lower levels of prostate-specific antigen at diagnosis. This leads to the thought that higher levels of the sunshine vitamin render the cancer less aggressive.
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Myriad DiseasesIf you’ve been following the news at all for the past year, you’ve probably read that Vitamin D — Vitamin D3 specifically — helps boost the immune system. You’ve probably also read that increasing volume of research seems to indicate a relationship between Vitamin D Deficiency and various diseases. What you may not have known is just how many different diseases and conditions are now being linked scientifically to deficient levels of this vital nutrient. The following is a partial list of some of the diseases and conditions caused in part by Vitamin D Deficiency.
Vitamin D Deficiency, HIV & AIDSA new study conducted by a network of scientists called EuroSIDA found that vitamin D deficiency is extremely common among HIV patients and that the deficiency is associated with the progression of the disease. While not the first study to show that patients infected with HIV tend to be deficient in vitamin D at a rate well above that of the normal population, the research by the EuroSIDA cooperative went above and beyond existing research in the establishment of a direct relationship between low levels of the nutrient and the overall mortality rate as well as the progression of the disease that can lead to AIDS. According to, “EuroSIDA is a prospective observational cohort study of more than 16,000 adult patients under care and follow-up in a network of 103 hospitals in 33 European countries plus Israel and Argentina.
Vitamin D3 deficiency and AsthmaA new study conducted by the Harvard Medical School in Boston found that children low in Vitamin D3 were more likely to suffer an asthma attack requiring hospitalization than were children with healthy levels of the vitamin.
Vitamin D3 and DepressionA scientific link between low Vitamin D3 levels and depression has been established following several recent studies confirming the relationship. According to one such study by scientists at Georgia State University: “The likelihood of having depression in persons with vitamin D deficiency is significantly higher compared to those with vitamin D sufficiency. Early diagnosis and intervention are paramount because the coexistence of vitamin D deficiency and depression has serious negative consequences on health.”
Vitamin D3 and Chronic PainTwo studies – one by Dr. Greg Plotnikoff, the other by the Mayo Clinic – appear to show a link between Vitamin D Deficiency and chronic pain.
Vitamin D3 and Diabetes and Metabolic SyndromeResearchers from JohnsHopkinsUniversity presented a study at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting establishing a link between Vitamin D Deficiency and Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, which is the medical precursor to diabetes. Source
Vitamin D3 and Cancer, Heart Disease and MoreThe following study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition establishes the preventive benefits of Vitamin D3 with regard to various forms of cancer, heart disease and numerous others.
Vitamin D can protect you from lung / infection from Viruses☠️(Dr. Rhonda Patrick explains how in approx. 4 minutes)
Vitamin D3 and Hypertension & High Cholesterol Evidence from numerous clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that increased dosages of Vitamin D3 can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol in patients deficient in the nutrient.
Vitamin D3 and ADHDRecent studies from the past several years increasingly point to a relationship between low levels of Vitamin D3 and an aggravation/intensification of the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.
Vitamin D3 and AutismThere is an increasing body of evidence that Vitamin D Deficiency is a contributing factor to autism. Dr. John Cannell, a psychiatrist, and prominent vitamin D advocate says flagging levels of the vitamin in pregnant women and young children could be the elusive factor explaining the rising rate of autism.
Vitamin D3 and Osteoporosis in Patients with IBDA study by the American College of Gastroenterology indicates that Vitamin D deficient patients with IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis, osteopenia, and an overall higher rate of abnormal bone density.
Vitamin D3 and InflammationA 2009 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine confirmed a link between Vitamin D Deficiency in otherwise healthy women and increased inflammation. Source
Vitamin D3 and Chronic Fatigue SyndromeVitamin D deficiency is closely associated with chronic fatigue in patients with traumatic brain injury. Source
Vitamin D3 and Autoimmune DisordersA study published in Genome Research indicates that people with insufficient Vitamin D are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and Crohn’s disease. Source
Vitamin D3 and Childhood ObesityA study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that Vitamin D deficient children are likely to have a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) than their better-nourished schoolmates. Source
Vitamin D3 and Influenza & Swine FluResearch presented by John Cannell, MD of the Vitamin D Council showed that Vitamin D3 is protective against seasonal flu. Further research performed by Norris Glick, MD, and Ellie Campbell, DO, showed that Vitamin D3 helps prevent H1N1 Flu. Further, Dr. John Cannell showed that Vitamin D3 deficiency activates the influenza virus (the Flu). Source.
Vitamin D3 and Parkinson’s DiseaseTwo new studies suggest that older people who are deficient in Vitamin D may be more likely to develop the neurological disorder. The first study was directed by Paul Knekt of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. David Llewellyn of Italy’s ExeterUniversity spearheaded the second study, which was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Source
Vitamin D3 and Tooth DecayThere is strong evidence indicating a relationship linking Vitamin D Deficiency to cavities and tooth decay. Dozens of studies were conducted in the 1930′s and 1940′s on this very subject. More than 90% of those studies concluded that supplementing children with vitamin D prevents cavities. Source
Vitamin D BenefitsWhen Vitamin D levels maintained you can expect better health across the board - longer life, fewer diseases, stronger bones and muscles, fewer infections, less depression, less pain, and inflammation. In short, you will have a more enjoyable life. New vitamin D benefits are still being discovered, almost everywhere researchers look. Here are some of the more important ones discovered so far: Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus Vitamin D plays a major role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and in their proper utilization. This helps keep our bones and teeth strong, and stops calcium depositing where it shouldn't (for example in our blood vessels, heart, and kidneys).
Vitamin D is essential to a healthy immune systemVitamin D helps the immune system to fight infections. With a near-optimum blood level of vitamin D, you can expect fewer colds, 'flu, and other unwelcome opportunists (including Swine flu). Not only does Vitamin D enhance your immunity, but it inhibits the development of diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D is a major inhibitor of cancer, and part of this effect may be attributed to the increased vigilance of the immune system.
Vitamin D promotes cellular differentiationVitamin D encourages cell differentiation (differentiated cells are needed to perform specialized functions effectively) and also slows down the rate at which cells multiply, or proliferate. Both of these effects contribute to vitamin D's cancer-fighting ability. Cancer cells are characterized by a lack of differentiation and by rapid proliferation.
Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatoryChronic inflammation is coming into prominent focus as a cause of many disease processes, including major killers such as heart disease and cancer. Vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which may also contribute to its effectiveness in reducing some types of muscular pain.
Vitamin D helps regulate blood sugar levelsOptimum levels of vitamin D protect against diabetes (both type 1 and type 2), insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia. Diabetes is usually associated with very low levels of vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D helps blood sugar control. It may also help prevent serious diabetic complications.
Vitamin D helps lower blood pressureMaintaining adequate levels of vitamin D helps reduce the risk of hypertension. Optimum levels of vitamin D actually tend to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive people. Vitamin D protects against low-level nuclear radiationDr. Daniel Hayes Ph.D. describes many ways in which vitamin D may protect the body from the effects of low-level radiation, such as may occur after a nuclear accident. His paper was published in the International Journal of Low Radiation (Sept 2008) Vitamin D may help prevent disease Scientists are continually reporting that low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with one disease after another.
The following diseases have all been linked to low vitamin D levels: Acne Adrenal insufficiency Allergies Alzheimer's disease Arthritis Asthma Autism Autoimmune disorders Bacterial infections Bones weak (easy to fracture) Breast cancer Cancer (all types) Celiac disease Colds and flu Crohn's disease Chronic fatigue Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic pain Colonic adenoma Colorectal cancer Cystic fibrosis Dementia Dental cavities and misaligned teeth Depression Diabetes (type 1 and 2) Fatigue Gluten intolerance Graves disease Heart disease Hypertension Influenza Kidney Disease Low back pain Lupus erythematosus Melanoma Mental illness and mood disorders Multiple Sclerosis Muscle weakness and pain Obesity Osteo-arthritis Osteomalacia (softening of bones) Osteoporosis Ovarian cancer Parkinson's disease Periodontal disease Peripheral artery disease Pelvic floor disorders Pneumonia Post-operative infections Psoriasis Rheumatoid arthritis Rickets Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Sepsis Tuberculosis Urinary incontinence Viral infections |
Renowned researcher Dr. Russell M. Jaffe answers this question:
"People have been taking vitamin D3 for years with no significant changes in their health".
(Dr. Russell Jaffe explains in less than one-minute video)