Product Benefits
Dr. David Sinclair (Harvard Medical School) noted in his research paper
“When we add the Resveratrol “molecules” to a healthy diet and exercise in animals, they do even better. It’s like a supercharged mouse.”
"It’s been found that when we give resveratrol to Fat mice, it drastically improves their health – they live just as long as healthy mice, and don’t get heart disease".
Dr. David briefly explains how "Resveratrol's second trial was 100% successful".
Dr. David briefly explains how his family utilize Resveratrol.
What is resveratrol?
It's found in red grapes, resveratrol is a plant compound that promotes and maintains optimal health and longevity.

.Dr. David Sinclair
Briefly explain the longevity and the health benefits of Resveratrol.
Dr.Johan Auwerx (The research was conducted at the Institute of
Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch, France)
* Resveratrol makes you look like a trained athlete without the training.
* An ordinary laboratory mouse will run one kilometer on a treadmill
before collapsing from exhaustion but mice given resveratrol run twice as far.
Dr. David Sinclair Says: "Mice Given Resveratrol Live 30% Longer".
Barbra Walter Interview with Dr. David Sinclair regarding Resveratrol's health benefits.


