Bryan Johnson VS Cody Michael

Bryan Johnson VS Cody Michael

Before we dive into the the anti aging subject, let us start by shedding the light on some facts regarding the essential roles of nutrition.
Dr. Michael Greger Message: Why You Should Care About Nutrition?
"Most deaths in the United States are preventable and related to nutrition"


This is not just about anti aging, this is about your life!

Dr. Livingood shares a brief message

We present you with evidence based science so you can make your own decision...
Let us continue with a few short nuggets of life bio-hacking Information from top health gurus and renowned researchers, shall we 🧐
(Here's a brief video clip with Bryan And Dr. Mark Hyman)

"By the proper intakes of vitamins and other nutrients and by following a few other healthful practices from youth or middle age on, you can, I believe, extend your life and years of well-being by twenty-five or even thirty-five years." Linus Pauling

Book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, that nutrients can solve it all. There has been a nutrient logic code since the 1900s that includes:

  • Vitamin C cures scurvy.

  • Vitamin D cures rickets.

  • Niacin cures pellagra.

  • Thiamin cures beriberi.

Dr. Joel Wallach revealed in his eye-opening book Dead Doctors Don’t Lie: "The main cause of sudden death syndrome in all 3500 human autopsies, and 17,500 animal autopsies Dr. Joel Wallach carried out, was a lack of micronutrients in the body" And Not from lack of medicine. Did you know this?!

 Think 🤔 about it!

What's the only thing that can disrupt your life right now (at this moment) that will bring your whole life to a full stop other than a sudden health crises (911 🆘 )?!

Ladies & Gentleman

Why do you spend so much time worrying about your job, your car, your house, your retirement, and your finances? If you don’t have a good health, you’ll have non of these to worry about!

Let's continue exploring a few health nuggets / how nutrition deficiencies are linked to many diseases, accelerate aging and, cause death!

     Bio-hacker and biologist Gary Brecka  

    Mortality expert, life bio-hacker and biologist was working for life insurance industry to predict their life insurance members death to the month based on their medical reports and nutritional status. Did you know this?

    Gary Brecka helped Dana White (CEO OF UFC) triple his lifespan from10 years to a 27 years after helping him change his diet and nutrition within 15 months.

    (Gary briefly explains)

    Here's another brief video with mortality expert Gary Brecka who can predict your death based on your nutritional data status!

    He briefly elaborates: "300 billion cells that were with you this morning will not be with you tomorrow".

    Dr. Petter Glidden ND (briefly explains) "Your body needs more than 90 essential daily nutrients".



    Dr. David L. Katz: "Your Food Supply is willfully engineered to make you fat and diabetic for the sake of corporate profits". (Less than 2 min video) 

    If Possible Avoid medications like Antibiotics!

    Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model when adding antibiotic!. Keshav Singh, Ph.D.


    The mutation in the mouse model is induced when the Antibiotic Doxycycline is added to the food or drinking water. This causes depletion of mitochondrial DNA because the enzyme to replicate the DNA becomes inactive.

    aging mouse
    llvDr. Mark Hyman: "The tsunami has come". 
    What foods are killing us & how the food industry lied to us? (Brief video) 
    "Free Radicals Are The Main Reasons For Causing Diseases and Even Death".     Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

      * You produce about 10,000 free radicals in each cell in your body every day.
    * If you exercise you generate up to 500,000 + free radicals in each cell in your body every day.
    * Intense stress, medicine, radiation and chemo Generate Tremendous Amount of Free Radicals.
    Blaylock recommends high-dose vitamin C can lead to “ rapid recovery from virus infections. 

    Avoid MSG's

    51 second video with Dr. Russell Jaffe': Environmental Toxins Zap Your Body From More Than 80% Of Essential Nutrients.
    Dr. Bruce Ames
    - "Nutrition deficiencies ages you faster and some nutrient deficiencies can kill you" 
    - "Deficiency in Folate for example can cause five different types of Cancer."
    Your daily supplementation is a lot more important than you realized!
    (Here's a brief video)


    Dr. Bruce N. Ames Continues: Micronutrient under Nutrition in America

    • 80% deficient in Magnesium
    • 49% deficient in Vitamin B6
    • 65% of women deficient in Folic Acid
    • 80% deficient in Vitamin D
    • 93% deficient in Vitamin E
    • 61% deficient in Vitamin C plus K, Calcium, Potassium and Omega 3’s. And the list goes on…

    “In addition, you’ll need a minimum of 15 vitamins and a minimum of 15 minerals that are cofactors for proteins. These proteins are needed for your metabolism to function. If you don’t get any one of these 30 substances you should die!”

    Dr. David Kellen shows that Magnesium deficiencies induce mitochondria protein cross-link. There may be other mineral shortages that will cause similar things. Professor Ames continues by saying that he and Dr. Kellen plugged into Google 30 different vitamin and mineral deficiencies using key terms such as “mutation”, “cancer”, and “chromosome break” and found:

    • Calcium deficiency leads to chromosome breaks and colon cancer
    • Folate deficiency leads to chromosome breaks in mice and humans along with colon cancer in humans.
    • Vitamin D deficiency leads to many types of cancer.
    • Magnesium deficiency leads to chromosome breaks in humans
    • Zinc deficiency leads to Fong’s disease and esophageal cancer in humans.
    • Potassium deficiency leads to cardiovascular diseases.
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to chromosome breaks.
    • Selenium deficiency leads to DNA damage and cancer in humans.
    • Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency leads to cancer.
    • Niacin deficiency leads to DNA damage.
    • Choline deficiency leads to DNA damage in humans.

    All your attempts trying to eat a healthy diet have failed EVEN if you're a wealthy person!

    Dr. Mark Hyman says, “I’m beyond shocked at the level of nutrition deficiencies in most of my clients who are well off”. (One minute video)
    Dr. Joel Wallach: "Most wealthy people in America die on average of 66 year old and yet they eat much healthier diet than most Americans".
    Dr. Joel Wallach briefly explains how lack of just one nutrient can kill you!
    What's Nitric Oxide and How It Effects Your Overall Health!

    Dr. Rachael interviewing Dr. Beth Shirley briefly explains how prescription and even off-counter medications depletes your Nitric Oxide.

    Dr. William Li  
    A pioneer in food as medicine Dr. Li has discovered more than two hundred foods that activate the body’s hardwired health defense systems: angiogenesis, regeneration, microbiome, DNA protection and immunity.  This work led him to write his New York Times bestselling book Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself.
    Dr. William Li teaches us what foods to eat to avoid illness and disease. (Here's a brief video)
    You're aging on the cellular level faster than you think!
    Do you think you're a healthy person because you're young?
    Kate in her mid 20's after completing her base-line tests for anti aging showed that her Biologically age was 90 years old on the cellar level!!! (Here's a brief video)

    We can't teach you anything but we can make you think!
    Without educating yourself, learning from real health experts and applying  knowledge / adapting a new healthier habits, how can you expect any positive changes in your health!
    Your Opinion Matter 😊
    How can we simplify 50 years of research science in a nutshell!

    We've made it as simple as possible summarizing more than 50 years of research in a cup of coffee break 😊

    Now, let's merge back to our main topic
    'Witness the incredible contrast"
    Mr. Bryan Johnson spent $2+ million annually to reverse his Epigenetic age by 23 years.
    Mr. Cody Michael Spent less than 50k annually to reverse his Epigenetic age by 11 years.
    Mr. Bryan Johnson VS Mr. Cody Michael

    You don't have to spend 2 million dollars to reverse aging.
    Bryan's Takes approx. 100 Vitamin Tablets Daily.
    Here's Bryan's brief video

    Remember, diffrent parts of your body age differently.
    Bryan is 45 years old (in 2023) but his biological age is 21 years old according to his DNA sequence tests results and he spent $2 million dollars annually to reverse aging.
    Cody reverse his biological age by approx. 11 years (spending less than $50,000 annually on organic food diet including $1,160 investing in lookingvibrant supplements)
     Cody at 53 years old - his DNA sequence / telomere tests (last year) reveals his biological age is 44. 
    This isn't just a cost-saving story, it's a testament to lifestyle transformation.
                                                                           Cody's Don't:
    No alcohol
    No smoking
    No fried food
    No sweets
    No sugary drinks
     Never fast food
    —just exercise, a healthier lifestyle plus premium nutrition = Slow Aging  
    Join us in embracing an affordable anti-aging journey and become the Captain of your own ship...
    Frugal Age Reversal Protocol 😉
    Lookingvibrant can help you revers / slow your age in approx. 9 months if you fallow a simple diet plan and our supplement protocol. 

    Here's a brief Bio for Mr. Cody Michael: He's an expert in raw material sourcing for supplements from around world and he's one of only hand-full of experts who travel the world in search of high quality raw material inspecting every farm, producer / manufacturers.etc. And as a disclaimer, Looking Vibrant source approx. 80% of our raw materials through Mr. Cody Michael.

    Let's start with Bryan Johnson breakfast

    Cody's Anti Aging Bio-hacking Diet Plan:

    • Intermittent fasting once a week for 24 hours with no food - just green fresh juices and water (And Intermittent fasting once a month for 48 hours)

    • Exercises 6-9 hours weekly.

    • Drinks spring water.

    • Breakfast with 3 small meals daily of healthy / organic food. (Healthy fats / No carbs)

    • Drinking fresh green vegetable juice daily and add the AG17 Greens (100% Raw Organic Powder).

    • Organic seasonal fruits and vegetables.

    • Eating window is 8 hours a day. (10AM until 6PM)

    • Daily calorie intake between 1700-1900.

    • Deep breathing fresh outdoor air 7 minutes daily.
    • Grounding 10 minutes daily.  

    Cody doesn't beleive in the could ice water blunge!

    Cody doesn't believe in only vegan or carnivore diet!

    Cody follows a common sense health approach diet of raw organic green vegetables, fruits, New Zealand grass-fed lamb, wild Norwegian salmon, wild shrimp and, wild Sardines. 

    Here's the supplement protocol Mr. Michael takes daily for maintaining optimum health / slowing down aging that contains key nutrients to help him, cleanse, refuel and replenish the 300 billions cell that dies daily with 300 billions new healthy cels to help simplify your understanding of the basic knowledge of nutrition effects on your health and why Mr. Micheal uses specific supplements throughout the day in a specific order etc.

    To help navigate / make sense of all this complicated science information we've added a few short videos below (for additional confirmation) from renowned researchers explaining the logic regarding the essential daily nutrition for our healthy & longevity.

    "Add years to your life and life to your years" Dr. Russell Jaffe

    "Applied knowledge is power and a lifesaver"

    Mr. Cody Michael first focus on alkaline raw foods.


    Cody Takes 75-86 Vitamin Capsules Daily. 

    Here's the supplement protocol (bulleted below)

    We've also added short videos from countless researchers (for additional confirmation) explaining the science regarding the essential roles of each supplement for anti-aging protocol and why Cody utilize specific nutrients, starting with:

    • Mushroom Immune Complex 10X (Brain heart and fight certain cancers)

    Mushroom: Dr, Greger briefly elaborates on the immense health benefits of anti-aging from mushroom.

    • Liposomal Vitamin C 3000mg (Essential Water soluble antioxidants)

    The only liposomal vitamin C (with a clinical trial)

    "233% higher retention by the human body". (The University of Miami) *

    Ingredients are of natural origin and vegetable origin. (Fully buffered and fully reduced vitamin C without masking agent is the bio-identical forms found in food)

      Oral Liposomal Vitamin C VS  IV vitamin C? Researcher and Author of Curing the Incurable by Cardiologist Dr. Thomas E. Levy explains briefly how liposomal vitamin C works!

      • RAW D3 VEGETARIAN + K2 
      *Maintaining vitamin D level above 50 + is critical for cell signaling. 


        Renowned researcher Dr. Russell M. Jaffe answers this question.

        "People have been taking vitamin D3 for years with no significant changes in their Vitamin D levels". (Dr. Russell Jaffe explains in less than one-minute) 


        WHY CHOSE VITAMIN D3+ K2 (MK7 Full Spectrum) Liquid Drops? 

        Mr. Michael briefly elaborates that most vitamin D on the market is a poison☠️

        Keep track of your Homocysteine! 
        How To Do Homocysteine Test Correctly? Dr. Russel Jaffe briefly explains. 


        L-arginine is a natural, simple amino acid that is popular among bodybuilders to promote blood flowing to the muscles for a better workout. Easily digestible, this versatile amino acid works as a precursor in the synthesis of glutamate, polyamines, agmatine, proline, creatinine, and urea.* (Twice a week only and must be balanced with L- lysine - L-proline and with Taurine)

        • Vitamin B12 Nano Drops 120 servings (Organic)
        This formula contains delicious Organic Tart Cherry, Organic Watermelon, and Organic Glycerin.

        Product link:

        This clinical strength formula was based on NASA formula that contains two forms of biologically active vitamin B-12, methylcobalamin and Hydroxocobalamin that maximizes your body’s natural energy.

        This formula contains two types of all-natural biologically active B12 imported from Austria.

        Remember, Not all supplements or B12 are created equal!

        Biohacker & Human Biologist Mr. Gary Brecka briefly explains why most B12 on the market made from poisonous chemicals!

        Cody's supplement protocol continues
        • AG17 Greens (100% Raw Organic Powder) 4,180mg Per Serving

          99% of people don't consumers the 6 daily servings of vegetables / greens. (And some have issues with bloating, some have issues with finding fresh organic greens, and some can't pay for the high cost of organic fresh vegetables. (Thus, AG17 Greens could be a great daily smoothy for a healthier diet) 

        Consumption of green leafy vegetables was associated with slower cognitive decline; the decline rate for those in the highest quintile of intake (median 1.3 servings/d) was slower by β = 0.05 standardized units (p = 0.0001) or the equivalent of being 11 years younger in age* Research Ref

        AG17 Organic Greens Contains: Raw Organic Broccoli, Organic Matcha, Organic Spinach, Organic Chlorella, Organic Turmeric, Organic Wheatgrass Whole Powder, Organic Moringa, Organic Barley Grass juice Powder, Organic Kale, Organic Coconut, and more.

        Jed W. Fahey, M.S., Sc.D. "GREEN CHEMOPREVENTION"

        Dr. Jed Fahey is a nutritional biochemist with broad training and extensive background in plant physiology, human nutrition, phytochemistry and nutritional biochemistry. He spent 27 years as a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

        "Frugal Medicine". The mechanism-driven use of dietary means to deliver chemoprotective hytochemical. (Here's a brief video)

            Dr. Michael Greger emphasis the important of using (NON-GMO) organic pesticides free fruits & vegetable.

            • FISH OIL 1200MG (100% WILD ANCHOVY)

            100% extra virgin wild anchovy (first cold pressed) with nitrogen purge extraction (imported from Italy). Not Distilled Or CO2 Extracted*


            Dr. Rhonda Patrick briefly elaborates on the latest research regarding how Omega3 protected people eating wild fish and how smokers who had higher Omega3's where healthier than non smokers with low Omega3's!

            • Turmeric Gold-X100 (Anti Inflammation)

            Curcumin improves adipocytes' browning and mitochondrial function in 3T3-L1 cells.

            This Custom formula Contains 900mg of turmeric with both turmeric root and turmeric extract 95%.

            This Custom formula Contains BioPerine, Quercetin, Boswellia Extract, Ginger, MSM, Glucosamine, and more.

            Helps reduce inflammation due to normal wear and tear.


              Dr. Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D.: “Curcumin can selectively modulate multiple cell signaling pathways linked to inflammation and to survival, growth, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis of cancer cells."*
              Dr. Nicolas Verhoeven briefly elaborates on the tremendous health benefits regarding Tumeric with Bioperie!

              Dr. Nicolas Verhoeven conclude briefly.

              • Resveratrol: 600mg Resveratrol with (50%) 300mg Trans-Resveratrol.

              Promotes youthful gene SRT1 called the calorie-restricted gene (Harvard Medical School. Dr. David Sinclair).

                Each 1 capsule provides 300 mg Trans-Resveratrol, the same amount found in 100 bottles of red wine. (Based on a mean calculation of one bottle of red wine containing 2.5 mg of Trans-Resveratrol)


                Dr. David briefly explains how Resveratrol second trial was 100% successful.

                Here's a brief video from Mr. Michael regarding the proper daily dose for Resveratrol supplement.

                • Sea Moss Blend (Organic)

                100% ORGANIC SEA MOSS BLEND*

                Supports Brain, Nerve & Immune Health *

                Support for thyroid function: “Sea moss contains iodine which helps regulate your thyroid function*

                Ref CNBC, Reduced inflammation: “It's rich in antioxidants which could potentially help lower inflammation and decrease your risk of chronic diseases,” says Kullab *

                This custom blend combination delivers 102 essential daily minerals and nutrients to the body which help boost brain health, support the immune system, dissolve mucus from the body, and regulate energy levels*

                • Organic Irish Moss *

                • Organic Bladderwrack*

                • Organic Burdock*

                • BioPerinen


                Heart ❤️  Health

                Starting with,

                • CoQ10-ZC50

                The World's First ZERO CRYSTAL-CoQ10 (Patented and De-crystalized)*

                • 430% higher plasma area under the curve of reduced and total CoQ10*

                • 330% higher plasma area under the curve of oxidized CoQ10 *

                Dr. Al Sears Says: "When we ran one of the first clinical studies on CoQ10, we discovered that 87% of my patients had low levels of CoQ10".

                  Dr. Terry Dubrow Says:
                  * Every cell in your body contains CoQ10.
                  * CoQ10 converts ADP into ATP.

                  Book Over-The-Counter-Natural-Cure: "WITHOUT IT THE HEART WILL FAIL". Statin Drugs Reduced CoQ10 by 50% in just 30 days". However, there's a long list of pharmaceutical drugs that rob your body of CoQ10, without it, the heart fails. congestive heart failure is the outcome".


                    Cardiologist and nutrition expert Dr. Stephen Sinatra discusses briefly the essential role of CoQ10 for heart health. ("CoQ10 & the Power of Lifestyle Medicine")

                    Dr. Stephen Sinatra: “CoQ10 it’s an (NFκB) inhibitor and D3 protects your immune system going forward”.  "When it comes to Statins drugs less is more".


                    • Cardio Supreme-X1000 ❤️ 

                    Nourish your heart with more than 30 premium and patented nutrients such as vegetarian certified organic B complex (OrgaMax), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Hawthorn berries, Reishi mushroom, Cayenne fruit, Organic Vitamin D, Curcumin extract, Green Tea Extract, Resveratrol Zinc, Potassium, and more*

                    Dr. Amy Myers Says: “The average adult heart beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, 3,600,000 times a year, and 2.5 billion times during a lifetime*


                    Dr. Joel Fuhrman: "40% of those who get their first heart ❤️ attacks die without any prior symptoms".


                    • Raw Liposomal C + Bioflavonoids
                      Remember, vitamin C dies at 91 F but Not Raw Liposomal C.
                      Why Chose Raw Liposomal C?
                      Wrapping the vitamin C in liposomes (double-walled micelles)* with Melting Point 140 F.  (Highly stable)

                      At Looking Vibrant we've built a revolutionary Cell-G three-stage nanoparticle processor with ultra-high-dense layered Phospholipids which ensures a stable manufacturing process with no heat, chemicals, solvents, or pressures predicting a lipid bond for cellular recognition, as well as sub-micron nanoparticle sizes.

                      Find Out Why Vitamin C is the Forever Vitamin? Dr. W. Gifford Jones. Ref


                      Dr. Russell Jaffe' Says: "Vitamin C Protect Every Cell, Directly or Indirectly from free radical damage".

                      Dr. Russell Jaffe regarding buffered C, L-Ascorbic, and Heavy Metal Detoxification: "Liposomal Vitamin C is not only a powerful antioxidant in itself but also helps increase the levels of Glutathione. It's safe and highly effective in treating several disorders caused by free radicals and heavy metal toxicity".

                      Dr. Russell Jaffe: Message To Physicians 🧐


                      Dr. Russell Jaffe's: "How Vitamin C Protects Every Cell Directly or Indirectly from free radical damage".

                      • MAGNESIUM COMPLEX 500MG (Aquamin)

                      This Unique Aquamin MAGNESIUM COMPLEX contains a Chemically validated (FTIR fingerprinted).


                        Magnesium was one of the a few secret nutrients that NASA astronauts used to help keep telomere from getting too short out of space*

                        Ref Los Alamos National Lab: "NASA’s secret-keeping longer telomere where astronauts (health monitors) noticed that Astronauts experience shorter telomere for every space shuttle mission ".

                        Aquamin Magnesium Is Superior? It contains 72 additional trace minerals derived from the clean waters of the Irish coast.  

                        Aquamin is a multi-mineral complex derived from the red marine algae Lithothamnion calcareum – that provides a host of health benefits from bone to joint and hydration.

                        What could or might happen if you're deficient in one essential nutrient like magnesium !☠️

                        Big Sean is an American rapper who had severe heart complications and avoided open-heart surgery by listening to his mother's holistic physician's advice using Magnesium (and other nutrients) thus his doctors were able to cancel his open-heart surgery. (Brief video)

                        Mr. Michael shared with us this brief video focusing on heart health.

                        GUT HEALTH

                        • Probiotic 40 Billion



                        • It contains FOS to help with the healthy growth of acidophilus and Bifidus organisms.

                        • High potency and balance of beneficial bacteria.

                        • Help assist in maintaining healthy intestinal flora.

                        Dr. Michael Miller director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology for the University of Maryland Medical System Says,

                        • The study found that the stiffness of arteries was more likely to be influenced by gut bacteria than risk factors such as obesity and insulin resistance.

                        • A lack of diversity in healthy bacteria in the gut has been associated with diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory stomach and bowel diseases. Additionally, the researchers pinpointed which microbes were tied to a lower risk of arterial stiffening.


                        William Li, MD, is a world-renowned physician, scientist, and author of eat to beat disease explains (in 18 seconds) explains the immense health benefits using probiotic especially for women.

                        Dr. Jillian Teta: "How Essential Probiotic For Our Health!"

                        Traditional Testosterone Support*

                        • TESTO-PURE-MAX (Maintain a healthy Testosterone levels for men is essential for this age reversal protocol to work)

                        This is a clinical strength formula blend of Fenugreek Extract, Tongkat Ali, Indoe-3-carbinol, Chrysin, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and more*

                        • A blend of  Fenugreek Extract, Tongkat Ali, Indoe-3-carbinol, Chrysin, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and more.


                        • It contains an all-natural custom blend formula to help boost testosterone naturally.

                        • Supports stamina and vitality for a healthy drive.



                        In this interview with Dr. David Sinclair explains briefly the importance of maintaining a healthy Testosterone for maintaining muscle mass and longevity.

                        • MACA MAX-1500MG

                        Superior potency formula delivering 1500mg of raw, pure MACA that contains three types of organic Maca Roots sourced from Peru. (A POTENT BLEND OF ORGANIC MACA ROOT, BLACK, RED, AND YELLOW)


                        Dr. Mike VanDershelden briefly explains the health benefits of organic MACA Root!

                        Skin Health

                        • Collagen Peptides-1000

                        This custom formula contains a powerful blend of hydrolyzed collagen + protein peptides = collagen TYPE I, II, III, IV, X.

                        Hydrolyzed Collagen peptides help repair the damaged skin and make it more youthful by making firmer skin and helping improve brittle nails.

                        Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body making up about a third of all the protein. About 90% of this collagen is found in bones, muscles, and tendons. Think of it as the "glue" that holds all these things together. In fact, the word comes from the Greek word "kolla", which means glue.


                        Hydrolyzed Collagen peptides help repair the damaged skin and make it more youthful by making firmer skin and helping improve brittle nails.

                        Why Recommend Hydrolyzed Collagen? (Dr. Brad Stanfield brief video)


                        Detox is essential to help your organs function optimally.

                        • Free Radical Sweep

                        It contains a wildcrafted herbal blend of Psyllium Husk, Slippery Elm Bark, Aloe Ferox, Chlorella, Ginger Root, Papay Fruit, Acai Berry, and more*

                        Holistic professional's top choice formula to help their patients with detox, diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever * that contains 1,532mg (daily dose) of powerful Wild-Crafted Herbal Blend*


                        • LIVER CLEANSE-X22

                        This formula acts as a healthy liver cleanser by assisting liver cells and helps remove toxins from the body that are processed through the liver *


                        • Short-term support to keep your liver operating at its best *

                        • Contains 512mg of Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)(herb), Burdock Root (Arctium lappa), Celery Seed (Apium graveolens), Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)(aerial) Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera L), Methionine, Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) (root), Raspberry Juice Powder (Rubus idaeus) (fruit), Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (root), Berberine HCL (Berberis aristata) (bark).


                        • L-Glutathione 500MG

                        Dr. Bruce Ames: "Glutathione is most abundant (in the cell at a young age) with intracellular concentrations of 10mM" per cel.

                        -NIH: Another way glutathione protects cells from oxidants is through recycling of vitamins C and E.


                        Bruce Ames Ph.D. researcher explains in 45 seconds video.

                        Here's a brief video from Mr. Michael regarding Glutathione

                        • Raw Chlorella (Broken Cell Wall)

                        Chlorella's ability to bind to heavy metal toxins, allowing them to be safely excreted from your body. The heavy-duty superfood is most known by us who use it as the most practical way to remove mercury and other heavy toxic metals from the body*

                        “Superfood.”  Also known as nature’s great “detoxifier”, studies have shown Chlorella is effective at removing several harmful compounds from the body, including heavy metals like lead.

                        A researcher was asked by Dr. Gundry about the amazing health benefits of chlorella and here's her brief answer.

                        • Urinary Tract Complete XR

                        This custom blend formula is one-of-a-kind that supports Urinary Tract Infection Treatment, Kidney Cleanse, and as well help PH Balance for Women*

                        * Cleanse Urinary Tract*

                        * Support Bladder Health*


                        Briefly Explained by Dr. Marcola How D-MANNOSE Offers Effective Support for Urinary Health* 

                        SPIRULINA (HIGH STRENGTH - ORGANIC)

                        Air-dried with no heat, chemicals, or solvents *

                        With more protein than steak (3x steak), just one ingredient and one calorie per tablet are perfect for intermittent fasting, snacks, and sports. Grown organically and endorsed by many doctors nationwide*

                        NASA Noted: 1 gram of algae has 1,000 times more nutrition than any other fruit or vegetable *

                        SPIRULINA (Certified Organic) algae are so nutrient-dense that one bottle of 120 capsules contains the same nutrient value as 35.8 pounds of organic fruits or vegetables. That’s why we refer to our algae tablets as “Efficient Nutrient.” *



                        • SLEEP HERBAL FORMULA 905mg

                        This proprietary blend contains 905mg of all-natural herbal blend, 10mg of Melatonin, GABA, Ashwagandha, 5-HTP, Chamomile, Vitamin B-6, and Minerals*

                        When taken as directed it can help support daily stress management by falling asleep and sleeping through the night*


                          Cody also utilize a few other supplements like Sulforaphane and organic protein (grass-fed powder concentrates) that we don't sell currently at

                          Cody also add a few tricks to his diet like super foods, Organic dark chocolate, Rare wild honey with Black seed oil. (Here's a short brief video)   

                          Diet Protocol

                          Starting the day with Mr. Michael 8AM;

                          • 30 minutes meditation.

                          • Then he take one Oz of Unfiltered, Raw Organic extra virgin olive oil)

                          • Probiotic is taking before breakfast 20 minutes

                          • Pure Matcha tea imported from Japan from Dr. Andrew Weil (He co-founded He drinks two cups in the morning and one cup in the afternoon.

                          • He eats half red organic apple with half of cup of Organic blueberries, 2 kiwis and half a cup of organic strawberry plus two Brazilian nuts (for Selenium) and two Organic Raw walnuts.

                          • Morning breakfast (Switch between) Organic eggs,  organic goat cheese, olives, Parmesan cheese and a big serving of of organic greens. (No bread)

                          • The other four days for breakfast he switches between calf liver sauté lightly in organic Avocado oil, organic eggs, Fave beans and always with organic greens.

                          Why protein is so essential and why you need to spread out your protein intake throughout your daily meals and how much you should be consuming, etc.  (Mix--your protein with vegan protein like Lentil, Chickpeas, grass fed organic lamb and Wild fish)

                          Dr. Luc van Loon is a renowned figure in the realm of exercise science, particularly celebrated for his deep understanding of protein metabolism, resistance training, and the nuanced role of collagen supplements in sports nutrition. Our conversation is an in-depth discussion on optimal protein intake & distribution strategies for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. (Here's a brief video clip)

                          Here's one more brief video with Dr. Luc Van Loon.

                          Here's Dr. Luc Van Loon full video link interview

                          Cody substitute bread with lettuce wrap for home made tacos instead of bread  with shredded organic carrots, beats, onions, garlic and he adds many diffrent spices like cayenne pepper, white pepper, Turmeric, Oregano and organic balsamic vinegar. etc. (He snacks once a day on organic almond butter with salary, goat cheese or sheep cheese with organic dried fruits)

                          Dinner, organic home made yogurt / cottage cheese, and organic Banana with organic Almond butter.

                          He also drinks fresh organic green juice blend like organic carrots, salary, apples, lemon, Ginger, Parsley, and he add a fresh turmeric.

                          He use only Organic Himalayan salt. (No glucose, fructose, white sugar or white salt)

                          Twice a week he treats himself to homemade pancakes made with organic eggs, mixed with organic grass fed protein powder concentrates (add bananas, dried fruits, and fresh organic blueberries, strawberries and one teaspoon of organic maple syrup)

                          Cody takes lookingvibrant supplements three time daily with exception to vitamin C. (He takes Liposomal vitamin C 500 mg every 90 minute daily for 12 hours)

                          Cody keeps his vitamin D levels at 80+.

                          He check his liver function, Methylation / 5HTP  and his mineral status but he keep track of his blood sugar with balancing his homocysteine levels keeping inflammation as low as possible.

                          NOW, Mr. Michael IS Sharing Secret BIG biohacking strategy !!

                          Mr. Michael told us that he fallows a secret Holistic Japanese biomarkers (charts he shared below) that controls 90% of the whole body to help him stay on track by keeping check with 8 essential biomarker and get more positive results in slowing down aging. 

                          (You need to know your numbers below and get tested at least once to help you make the right adjustments based on your personal biomarkers test results)

                          Mr. Michael Message: Let's be realistic,

                          No one have the time, the scientific team or the money to eat 100% organic foods, count every calorie or test every biological markers as Bryan has done.

                          Chose organic raw foods, seasonal fruit and avoide carbs, sugar and even fruit Juices. (Here's Mr. Michael brief message from southeast Asia)

                          Mr. Michael continues

                          * Don't focus on loosing weight or reverse aging but first focus on eating healthy Mediterranean diet, eliminates all the junk foods / no bread, exercise, Sauna twice a week, walk, keep hydrated, eliminate negative people, bad habits and stop eating minimum 3 hours before sleep. 

                          * Avoid canned Foods and any foods with additive like, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Propionate, Sodium Diacetate, Sodium Benzoate, and Sodium Nitrite.

                            • Elimination of Unhealthy Foods:
                            • Remove junk food, fried items, canned goods, sugary beverages, bread, GMO foods, alcohol, coffee, artificial colors, sugars (including glucose / corn syrup).
                            • Focus on Organic and Nutrient-rich Options:
                            • Emphasize organic food sources: Raw organic vegetables, Himalayan salt, baked/barbecued food, grass-fed meat, organic poultry, spring water.
                            • Aim to consume a minimum of eight 10 oz glasses of water per day.
                            • Include organic steamed rice and a variety of vegetables. Avoid BPA-packaging.
                            • Beverages for Health
                            • Opt for high-quality matcha green tea and fresh juices (beets, green apples, celery, carrots, ginger, lemon, parcley and turmeric).
                            • Limited Eating Window
                            • Restrict eating to an 8-hour window, avoiding late-night meals.
                            • Strategic Vitamin Intake
                            Divide vitamins into three categories: morning, lunch, and dinner.
                            • Intermittent Fasting

                            Implement a 24-hour fast once a week, consuming water, green tea, and fresh vegetable juices only.

                            • Physical Activity and Wellness Routine
                            Incorporate exercise, cardio, walking, and sauna sessions at least twice a week.


                            • Vitamin D Monitoring
                            Regularly monitor and maintain vitamin D levels, targeting a minimum of 50+ (The goal is to reach 90).


                            • Boosting Serotonin Levels
                            Use specific vitamins to increase serotonin levels.


                            • Maintaining Healthy Testosterone (For Men)

                            Prioritize maintaining healthy testosterone levels through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices.

                            • Telomeres Testing

                            Consider adopting Dr. David Sinclair's protocol or similar methodologies for telomere testing.

                            • Morning Rituals for Mental Wellness

                            Begin the day with a 30 minute meditation practice, focusing on positive thoughts and listening to uplifting music.

                            • Challenging Physical Limits

                            Push oneself in the gym or exercise routine to promote physical endurance and strength.

                            • Hydration Practices

                              Start consuming clean spring water within an hour after eating for effective digestion.

                              • Importance of Cleansing

                              Acknowledge the significance of regular cleansing. For instance, issues like kidney/liver diseases often remain undetected until they reach 70% dysfunction. Use appropriate supplements to cleanse your filtration system.

                              • Understanding Mitochondrial Health. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cells, serving as the engine that sustains cellular functions. Preserving and enhancing mitochondrial efficiency is crucial for overall well-being.

                              Quote from Dr. Bruce N Ames: Damaging your mitochondria can lead to a decline in overall bodily functions.

                              • Mitochondrial Repair and Diet Certain supplements and a strict diet play pivotal roles in repairing mitochondria. This regimen revolves around a daily intake of 1700-1800 calories. Notably, the vitamins/supplements prescribed do not contain excessive calories, ensuring balanced consumption.

                              Optimizing Health Ensuring optimal oxygen levels is essential. Simple practices like taking deep breaths 3 times a day for at least 3 minutes per session, spending time in nature, enjoying music, practicing meditation, donating, and contributing to the community aid in holistic wellness.

                              Balancing the Triad: Spirit, Self, and Body Recognizing the interconnectedness of the spiritual, personal, and physical aspects of oneself is crucial for overall health.

                              Healthy Gut: Foundation for Well-being

                              A healthy gut is foundational to overall wellness. Medications, especially pain/prescription drugs, can impede the effectiveness of anti-aging protocols. Prioritizing probiotics such as kimchi, organic sauerkraut, apple cider, and favoring sour foods over sugary ones is vital. Additionally, consuming organic seasonal fruit before 1 pm and separate from meals is recommended.

                              • Nourishment Guidelines Emphasizing non-GMO and preferably organic foods, including sheep/goat cheeses, contributes to a healthy gut and overall well-being.
                              • Comprehensive Impact of Gut Health Understanding the far-reaching effects of poor gut health on overall bodily functions.

                              Focus on Vital Organs: Heart, Brain, and More...

                              • Heart Health Highlighting the significance of a well-functioning heart for overall bodily health. Nourishment, positive thoughts, and holistic care are crucial for optimal heart function.
                              • Brain Health Acknowledging the brain's role as the command center of the body and emphasizing its importance in overall health.
                              • Skeletal and Visual Health Emphasizing the importance of nourishing the skeletal system, joints, bones, and eyes for overall well-being.

                              Considerations for Specific Groups

                              • For Women Recognizing the significance of hormones and thyroid health in women. The impact of certain medications, such as birth control, on hormonal balance is highlighted.
                              • For Men Suggesting testosterone testing for men to ensure hormonal balance and overall health.
                              • Weight Consideration and Vitamin D Exploring the impact of weight on vitamin D levels and suggesting strategies to address this concern

                              Final Message!

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